Here are answers to common questions of Transpersonal Therapy

Nearly anyone can benefit from transpersonal therapy. However, some people may be more respective to this type of therapy than others. For instance, people who are looking to explore their spiritual sides and those open to new experiences will often benefit more from transpersonal therapy.

Transpersonal therapy is also not affiliated with anyone religion, so people of all different religions and spiritual paths can partake in this type of therapy. We will often incorporate certain aspects of different spiritual paths and faiths into therapy sessions. This will depend on the client’s spiritual belief system. Non- Religious people are most welcome to our clinic. Our concepts of spirituality are non -religious that encompass universal principles of Transpersonal Psychology.

Transpersonal therapists work with all sorts of individuals that are trying to cope with a variety of different problems, particularly mental and emotional problems. For instance, as a transpersonal therapist, I  work with individuals coping with such things as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, phobias, self-esteem problems, and stress.

Methods that transpersonal therapists use when working with clients may vary, depending on a few different factors. There are, however, some very common methods used during most personal therapy methods. The primary tool of transpersonal psychotherapy is talking with your therapist and creating a therapeutic bond of trust within which you can feel comfortable exploring your thoughts and feelings.

Meditation is one of the most common methods that transpersonal therapists use. This mind-body process involves sitting or resting in a quiet place and freeing one’s mind. Meditation can help people relax their minds and bodies and get more in touch with their transpersonal selves.

Guide visualizations are also often used by transpersonal therapists. This technique involves clients following a client’s voice as he guides them through imaginary and symbolic visualizations and scenarios. During guided visualizations, therapists can expose clients to positive images and explore their spiritual selves.

Altered states of consciousness are also sometimes used by transpersonal therapists. One example of an altered state of consciousness is hypnosis or hypnotherapy. During hypnotherapy, clients are lulled into extremely relaxed states, making them more receptive to subtle suggestions. For example, clients may simply be encouraged to discuss and explore their spiritual beliefs, which enables them to better understand their spiritual path in life.