About Transpersonal Therapy

Transpersonal therapy is a type of therapy that doesn’t focus on a person’s body and mind but on the health of a person’s spirit. This type of therapy emphasizes a person’s spiritual path or spiritual enlightenment during his life. Many people are also working toward becoming more spiritually aware. The word “transpersonal” loosely translates to beyond the person or beyond the self. This refers to an aspect of a person that is beyond the physical realm.

The theory behind transpersonal therapy is that all people – or all animals, for that matter – aren’t made up of tangible parts. They also consist of intangible parts and beyond our known existence or spiritual. Healing these spiritual aspects are often necessary to achieve complete peace and well being. People who work with transpersonal therapists often find that this type of therapy helps them feel more complete or whole. As we move further into the new millennium, more and more people are in search of holistic approaches and alternatives to modern medicine and mental health practices. Many people are also working toward becoming more spiritually aware. Transpersonal Therapy is a  talking therapy. Talk therapy, which is also known as psychotherapy, is what mental health professionals use to communicate with their patients. The purpose of talk therapy is to help people identify issues that cause emotional distress. Our Transpersonal Mental Health clinic adopts Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. This approach focuses on changing problematic behaviours, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious meanings and motivations.